Page Scroll

Trigger a proactive campaign based on a page scroll.

Available on:  Pro


Proactively initiate a conversation based on a page scroll. Using this strategically can help you send the right message, in the right place, at the right time.

For example, you can proactively engage with customers when they are ~50% of the way down a blog post to prompt them to sign up for a newsletter, or prompt them to speak to an agent when they are ~50% of the way down the demo landing page.

Proactively reaching out when people are ready for it can boost conversion rates and shorten sales cycles.

See it in action

Scroll through the page and keep an eye on the Ada button in the bottom right corner of the screen to see Ada proactively engaging with you as you scroll.

How to set it up

Step 1

Follow Ada’s technical Embed documentation to learn how to add Ada to your website.

Attached is the code snippet you need to paste into the <head> tag.

⚠️ Be sure to replace <YOUR-BOT-HANDLE> with your own bot handle. Your bot handle is your bot’s unique domain name:

📣Click here to learn how to load a bot on a non-US cluster.


Step 2

Follow the instructions on the Advanced Proactive Campaigns page to create a web campaign.

Step 3

Use triggerCampaign to launch a campaign created via the Ada dashboard in step 2.

ℹ️Use Events to measure how often Ada helps your customers succeed by tracking actions on your website, both inside and outside of their conversations with your bot. Follow this guide to learn about creating and tracking events.

const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
const scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

let campaignHasBeenShown = false;

document.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {
  if (campaignHasBeenShown) return;

  // if more than half of the page has been scrolled...
  if (clientHeight + scrollTop > scrollHeight / 2) {
    window.adaEmbed.triggerCampaign("Scroll_Based_Campaign", {
      ignoreStatus: false,
      ignoreFrequency: false
    campaignHasBeenShown = true;
}, true);

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