Custom Greeting

Present your chatters with a custom greeting instead of the default Greeting set in the dashboard.

Available on:  Core | Advanced | Pro


Create more valuable interactions by setting the chat to launch with a custom greeting on certain pages. Use this to either guide next steps, or pre-emptively offer information people will be looking for while browsing a page.

While bot builders can set conditions from their Ada dashboards and customize the greetings people see based on the page URL, you can also set this within your embed script.

See it in action

Click the “Chat now” button to launch the chat. The greeting you will see is a custom Answer we’ve specified via Embed and not the default greeting.

How to set it up

Step 1

Use greeting in the window object to specify the bot handle and the answer that you wish for the chatters to see.

ℹ️Answer ID (ANSWER-ID) is a unique string of characters at the end of the Answer URL in the Ada dashboard. In this example, 62b9b6c1fdf705c27c347112 is the answer ID:

<script type="text/javascript">
    handle: "YOUR-BOT-HANDLE",

Step 2

Follow Ada’s technical Embed documentation to learn how to add Ada to your website.

Attached is the code snippet you need to paste into the <head> tag.

Note that in order to use window.adaEmbed.start(...) above, the script must be loaded using the data-lazy attribute

⚠️ Be sure to replace <YOUR-BOT-HANDLE> with your own bot handle. Your bot handle is your bot’s unique domain name:

📣Click here to learn how to load a bot on a non-US cluster.


Step 3

If you’re opting to launch the chat from a custom button, use toggle to programmatically open and close the chat window:

<button onclick="window.adaEmbed.toggle()">Chat now</button>

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