Ada Embed Directory
Learn about all the ways you can embed Ada on your website to fine-tune the customer experience — from pre-sale, to purchase, to post-sale and beyond.
Standard Embed
The easiest way to get Ada’s chat widget up and running on your website.
Position the Chat on the Left
Launch the chat on the left side of the webpage.
Automatically Launch Chat
Automatically launch Ada chat upon opening a webpage.
Custom Button
Users can access the chat either by clicking on a custom button on your website or clicking the default Ada Chat button.
On-Page Chat Window
Users can chat inside an element on the webpage.
Hyperlinked Text
Users can access the chat either by clicking on hyperlinked text or clicking the chat button.
Custom Greeting
Give users custom greetings instead of the default one when they launch a chat from the standard chat button or a custom one.
Personalization with Metavariables
Send information from your own database to the bot for a personalized experience.
Set Default Language
Set which language your bot starts chatting in by default.
Hover on an Element
Trigger a proactive campaign by hovering over an element on a web page.
Item Added to Cart
Trigger a proactive campaign when an item is added to the cart.
Form Fill
Trigger a proactive campaign when a form is filled out.
Timeout Proactive Campaigns
Set an automatic dismissal time for proactive campaigns.
Page Scroll
Trigger a proactive campaign based on a page scroll.
Intent to Exit the Page
Trigger a proactive campaign based on someone scrolling up the page, showing an intent to exit.
Encountered Error Message
Trigger a proactive campaign when an error message is encountered.